
I train the body, the mind and the soul all at once.  I incorporate C.H.E.K, FMS, SFG1, KILO, USAW, NASM and ACSM techniques into my individualized workouts.  Basically, whenever someone has a physical challenge they are ready to work with, I specify physical, nutritional and lifestyle movements to meet and control their obstacles.  I am not the type of trainer that gives you movements without measuring first!  And whatever I measure plays into the program outline I will design for you.  Whether fat loss, weight loss or gain, dexterity or sport specific goals, I will outline all aspects of your life to achieve that goal using provable and exciting methods.  You will not only meet your goals, but you will also be entertained and inspired to do better in the process.  These are lifestyle changes we are talking about and as your coach, I will help guide and motivate you in your continued quest.  I will get you to push and then keep pushing as you find the flow.

Here's What I Can Help You Accomplish 

  1. Lean muscle gain
  2. Fat loss
  3. Sport-specific achievement
  4. Nutrition goals
  5. Mobility, Flexibility
  6. Chakra aligning
  7. Cardio increase
  8. Muscle/posture balancing
  9. Bodybuilding
  10. Mental clarity

Your journey begins with a detailed assessment of your current physical, emotional and mental conditions. 

I will then measure your body's angles and symmetries using professional tools from various methods in the training industry. Then with these quantified measurements, I will design a comprehensive corrective 6-week exercise program to ignite your abilities.  I take the best aspects from different methods I have learned to make your program lead you to your goals most efficiently and practically.

Initially I will have you complete a series of questionnaires. These can all be done via my website through my training engine, ptEnhance.

After your assessment, I will design the 6-week program based on both your assessment and submitted questionnaires. Exercise programs consist of corrective stretches along with hypertrophy, power & conditioning training, depending on your needs. You will receive an easy-to-follow detailed description of your exercise program, including acute variables such as Reps, Sets, Intensity, Tempo, Rest and Durations.  I will also include nutritional guidance and lifestyle tips to coach you there faster.  This information along with Video clips of each of your exercises is all available for you to view via my website.