About YOU

This is what some of my clients have said about me.  I am very honored to still be working with some for twelve years so far, and I am excited to start working with you on day one.  

What you seek is seeking you”
— Rumi

Contact me when you are ready to discuss your dreams!

"I've been working out with Tycho long before DIAKADI when he worked at my local YMCA. I think it's been almost four years! I've worked with other trainers before, but none of them had me motivated to workout. And especially not consistently for four years in a row. He even trained me through various injuries I've had, always making sure to help keep me positive. He knows how to help me push just a little harder than I might on my own. And he's just a damn good person and kind soul to boot. He's the reason I drive half an hour in each direction to train at DIAKADI instead of 2 minutes to my local Y." - Lyubov Muzichenko (February 2016)

"Tycho is an excellent trainer committed to his client's success.  Having trained with Tycho for close to 2 years now, I've witnessed his dedication and passion for what he does.  He's knowledgeable, personalizes the workouts and without-a-doubt pushes his clients to achieve their goals.  Very pleased with my results and happy to recommend Tycho." - David Waterman (August 2016)


Tycho's coaching style always entices me to do more weight and more reps. He has a very focused tone and clear objectives. I find myself not even thinking about just going to the next exercise, I just go ahead of him without any prodding. That comes from the strength he has that enables me to have such trust and confidence, that I just go knowing we are executing his plan.
It's faith, faith in Tycho having faith in me, even when I don't have faith in me. There is a difference between performing from admiration, intimidation or fear and performing based upon an absolute belief that you and your coach are aligned and have a mutual focus and respect for goals and success.
Whether the success obtained is actually, or an unintended benefit against a team of two focused on a goal, aligned in purpose and achieving daily success I can't determine.
I never hate it, I never want to give up, I never need compliments, nor feel like I have to perform, I just do.
I'm unconsciously inspired resulting in purposeful performance. I feel like a team and I don't want to let down my partner, don't want to not carry my weight, don't want to lose the respect and momentum of a team with an objective.
There are lots of trainers in gyms. There are few professional coaches. A coach deals with the whole person, physical, mental, nutritional. You feel the difference immediately. In professional sports the Coach runs the show,
when you work with Tycho, you are the show.
— Peter M,
Cat man, Senior Director and consistent gym goer

Since I started seeing Tycho a few months ago it's wild how I've noticed changes I didn't expect - walking down the street and seeing my posture in windows I can see how much I've improved in just a short time! My digestion is better, my sleep is better, and I'm strong than I've ever been before. So excited to keep seeing Tycho and continue to make gains I never knew were possible!
— Sasha L
Music lover, Senior Security Analyst and Balanced Surfer

I've been training with Tycho at Diakadi for 5 months now and I can say that it's one of the best things I've ever done for myself.
Originally I sought out personal training for aesthetic goals. However, what I've gained so far has been much more than that. Tycho has a holistic approach in coaching and has not only helped me hit my aesthetic goals, but has also helped me feel more confident in my body, become the strongest and most flexible I've ever been in my life, changed my relationship with food, and has also helped me be mentally strong as well.
He's a wonderful coach with a great perspective on life and he passes that onto you during your tough workout sessions.
All in all, I would highly recommend getting personal training with Tycho, especially if you are like me and knew your way around a gym but always felt like there was just something missing to get you to that next level. Tycho will help get you to that next level and then some.|

— Jonathan L
Electronic music aficionado, Senior Director of Growth and avid health explorer

Tycho is a meticulous and dedicated trainer. He challenges you to do more than you thought you could, but never forgets to note your progress. He encourages, cajoles, listens, adapts. When you are his client, for that 1 hour, he is all about you.
As a person, he is also incredibly kind and has a zany sense of humor. He is fun to spend time with, which makes those hard sessions much more fun.
I view Tycho as a partner, someone I trust on a path to a better body and better health. The facilities are also top notch; I think no other workout facility in SF comes close.

— Bill W
KP VP, foodie, Progressive Bodybuilder

I've been training with Tycho for about nine months and am so glad I started! He has been thoughtful, methodical, and encouraging, and it's shown in my progress. It's great to do reassessments and see how far I've come. Diakadi is an amazing facility and Tycho is a fantastic trainer, I would recommend both to anyone.
Elizabeth L
Singer, VP of Finance and strong lifer